My novel's title is Sunshower [Lluvia con Sol], which title was inspired by a song written and composed by Jaime Roos. Maestro guitarist Federico Navarro created a fantastic cover, and the beautiful Sirena sang the verses in Spanish and English. Federico Ramos provided the footage from the Big Sur's Redwoods. The result is a stunning video entitled ©Rain with Sun.
I will soon share stories about the mind-blowing but always creative connections and confluences spanning thirty years between me, Federico Ramos, Federico Navarro and Jaime Roos. "The Magic of Music --Musicians as Magicians."
Excerpt from ©Sunshower [Lluvia con Sol]
Chapter Eleven: The Shoulders of the Giants
[where we stand upon]”
©Cecilia Martinez-Gil
The Epigraph:
Dijiste que lloverá
Todo un arte y sin embargo
Se están burlando de vos
Se ríen de vos
Y tu mirada es,
tu mirada sigue siendo igual
Lluvia con sol
Más aquí está
Ya está aquí la tempestad
Lluvia con sol
You said that it will rain
A whole art and nonetheless,
People are mocking you
People scoff at you
And your gaze is
Your gaze remains serene
Rain with sun
But it’s here already
The tempest is here
Rain with sun.
“Lluvia con Sol,” a song by Jaime Roos.
Translated by Cecilia Martinez-Gil
[with his permission and approval]