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“Psaltery and Serpentines,” takes the reader on a journey to distant shores and places familiar to the soul and very close to the heart. Readers are invited to imagine through their senses and to find themselves in the experience. In this collection of poems is something akin to human nature. It is associated with the primal and the divine.
Readers should keep “Psaltery and Serpentines” handy and read from it from time to time to elicit and elate magical places within their own beings.
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“…a dream…drawn in the caverns of the self –the hollows where leftovers of memories nest and crack” (a fix of ink)
the sorceress' gift

Cecilia Martinez-Gil
Oct 15, 202215 min read

Cecilia Martinez-Gil
Apr 27, 20217 min read

Cecilia Martinez-Gil
Nov 1, 20201 min read
Unveiling Cecilia's words
a fix of ink
"In this remarkable collection of poems, Cecilia Martinez-Gil deftly sketches the genome of human written expression, tracing our creative journey from ancient times to modern places. The cave walls of the past, the blank pages of the present and the digital bytes of the future are, like moth and flame, the siren calls of our imagination."
 –David S Whitley, author of Cave Paintings and the Human Spirit
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